Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a condition in which patients experience heightened sensitivity in and around the teeth, especially in the presence of hot or cold foods or drinks or while brushing. Our Los Angeles dentist has the facts on tooth sensitivity and what you can do to combat this problem.
During a routine dental exam, a dentist may ask you questions about tooth sensitivity and any problems you have experienced. This is because the dentist is looking for signs of inner tooth decay and problems that may not be visible above the surface of the toothís enamel.
The most common reason for tooth sensitivity is exposed dentin due to receding gums. Gums recede from the teeth due to a variety of causes, and about 80 percent of people have some degree of gum recession by the age of 65.
Gum recession can be caused by brushing too hard with a firm-bristled brush, eating highly acidic foods, or other diseases like acid reflux. Pain caused by gum recession actually worsens the problem, and many patients stop brushing due to discomfort and the gum recession continues.
Receding gums expose the soft, vulnerable parts of the tooth, leaving them open to bacteria and decay. The exposure of the nerves in the dentin is what leads to tooth sensitivity. There are treatments available for gum and tooth sensitivity, including special toothpastes and fluoride varnishes.
Visit our dentist today to have a thorough evaluation made of your teeth and gums, especially if you experience tooth sensitivity symptoms.
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