Improving Your Oral Health
Good oral health can provide you with a lifetime of beautiful smiles, clear speech and good nutrition. Maintaining your dental health requires regular attention to your teeth and gums in order to prevent decay, infection and other common dental conditions that can lead to tooth loss and gum disease.
Brushing and flossing are the first steps to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. The ADA recommends that you brush for about two minutes, twice daily. Fluoride toothpaste can help keep your teeth strong, and changing your toothbrush or brush heads will minimize the risk of damage to your gums and teeth. Dental floss will help you reach those hard-to-clean spots between your teeth and along your gumline that brushing alone cannot reach. This daily removal of plaque and bacteria helps minimize tartar formation and reduces your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Eating a healthy diet with limited sugary foods and beverages can further strengthen your teeth against decay and gum disease. Eat plenty of nutrient-rich fruit and veggies as well as calcium-rich dairy products.
Another critical step in improving or maintaining your oral health is visiting our dentist regularly. Most patients should visit every six months. Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar that have accumulated in spite of daily cleaning and polish your teeth to make it harder for the tartar to re-accumulate. X-rays can reveal any cavities or other areas of concern. Our dentist will also use this opportunity to provide you with information about treatments or procedures that can help you further improve your dental health.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Afar, Los Angeles dentist.