Periodontal Disease during Pregnancy
Expecting mothers are always going to have quite a bit on their plate. Not only are they going to be planning all of the small details that must be figured out before the birth, they must also maintain impeccable health in order to care for their baby. One of the most common complications that mothers are going to experience during pregnancy is periodontal disease, and this is why our dentist in Los Angeles believes that all parents-to-be should understand the basics of oral care during pregnancy and how it may affect their child.
Most women understand some of the more common catalysts that could lead to premature births and unhealthy babies. These can range from the use of tobacco to the consumption of alcohol. Even when all of these habits are avoided, expecting mothers are still at a very high risk of periodontal disease that can put their immune system and their child at risk.
Gum disease is often first detected due to a swelling of the gums or frequent bleeding in the mouth. When left untreated, mothers will be at a much higher risk of having a pre-term baby or a baby with a low birth weight.
The easiest way to avoid these complications before they ever begin is by scheduling a thorough periodontal treatment at least once in the second trimester of the pregnancy. During this appointment, our dentist will be able to examine your mouth and offer treatments and suggestions to preserve the health of the mother and her baby.