Possible Connection between Periodontal Disease and Breast Cancer
If you have noticed that your gums bleed when you are brushing or flossing your teeth or if they are red or swollen, it is time to call our dentist in Los Angeles. A thorough dental cleaning and examination is in order. Periodontal disease often starts quietly and painlessly, with bleeding gums, swelling, and redness or discoloration. However, left untreated, the condition can quickly deteriorate and lead to receding gums and lost teeth. A recent published study from Swedenís Karolinska Institute reveals that periodontal disease that has progressed to the point of tooth loss may increase the risk of breast cancer.
The study, which appears in ìBreast Cancer Research and Treatment,î revealed that women between the ages of 30 and 40 who had periodontal disease that caused the loss of one or more molars were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Periodontal disease has previously been linked to uterine, prostate, pancreatic, colon, and rectal cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Gum disease has also been linked to miscarriage, premature birth and low birth-weight babies.
Your dental health is linked inextricably to your overall health. If you have symptoms of gum disease, our dentist may suggest periodontal treatment, which, if administered early enough, may be able to reverse the course of the disease. Periodontal treatments can include deep cleaning, anti-microbial treatments, laser treatment or surgery.
Contact us today to schedule your next checkup or to learn more about your treatment options.