Tips for Having Sparkling White Teeth
Not only are your teeth essential for the basic functions of chewing your food and speaking, they also have the power to completely transform your appearance. The following are some of the top tips for achieving sparkling white teeth and a beautiful brilliant white smile naturally.
- Brush your teeth at least twice daily to remove all of the plaque and harmful bacteria that can stick to the teeth to cause stains.
- Whenever you cannot fit brushing into your busy morning schedule, eat a fibrous fruit that can act as a natural toothbrush to clean your teeth. Fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as strawberries, oranges, and kiwis, are also an excellent choice to strengthen your gums.
- Although many are worried that flossing will result in bleeding gums, make sure to floss carefully and patiently each day to maintain your overall dental health.
- Incorporate healthy doses of dairy products, including milk, cheese, and yogurt, into your diet to maintain the whiteness in your teeth. Hard cheeses are particularly effective at protecting and strengthening the tooth surface, called the enamel.
- When you choose to drink any colored beverage, use a straw to prevent the liquid coming in contact with your teeth and leaving behind the characteristic tooth stains.
- Every two months, be sure to change your toothbrush out for a new one to get the best results because after a while the bristles will become too harsh and actually harm the enamel.
If you are having trouble eliminating the stains that have accumulated on your teeth through natural means, it is highly recommended that you contact our Los Angeles cosmetic dentist to discuss your teeth whitening options for perfect pearly whites.