What Your Teeth Indicate about Your Brain
An increasing number of studies are revealing that your mouth may be a strong indicator of your overall health. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other serious health problems have all been linked to poor dental health. A recent study that was published in the Journal of American Geriatrics has discovered that your dental health may also be linked to your brain health.
A questionnaire completed by 557 people included questions about their dental health and ability to chew, and then researchers tested participants cognitive abilities. Those who had more difficulty chewing were also more likely to suffer from cognitive decline. Although it is not clear whether the dental health problems preceded the cognitive decline, the study does reveal a correlation that should not be ignored.
Poor dental health can also put you at an increased risk of suffering a stroke. According to Neurology, patients may begin having numbness, memory loss and weakness as much as a week before an actual stroke. Because early treatment can dramatically reduce the risks of long-term neurological damage, contact your doctor if you notice symptoms.
Although more studies need to be performed to identify the extent of the correlation and determine causation, the research clearly links your dental health to your overall health. You may not be able to prevent all dental health problems, but by keeping your teeth clean and seeking regular dental care, you can minimize your risk. Brush twice daily, floss daily and visit our Los Angeles dentist at least twice a year to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Contact us today to schedule your next checkup.