About Plaque and Tartar
Your mouth naturally harbors bacteria, but when these bacteria combine with the residue from the food you eat, they produce plaque. Plaque is a clear, sticky film that can irritate your gums and lead to cavities as the acidic byproducts begin to weaken the enamel. Plaque must be removed daily through brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups. Teeth should be carefully brushed at least twice a day or after meals, flossed once a day, and dental cleanings should be scheduled once every six months for the best results.
If plaque is not removed adequately, it can harden into tartar. Tartar is a hard, mineral substance that can discolor your teeth, absorb stains, and provide more space upon which bacteria and plaque can grow. Ultimately, tartar irritates sensitive gum tissues and increases the risk of other oral health problems. When tartar develops beneath the gumline, the risk for periodontal disease becomes more. Periodontal disease is linked not just with infected gum tissue and tooth loss but also such serious health conditions as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Unlike plaque, which can easily be cleaned at home through good dental hygiene, tartar must be removed through a professional dental cleaning. Our dentist will carefully remove the tartar through a process called scaling, which can remove the mineral buildup both above and below the gumline.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can keep your teeth free of plaque and tartar or to schedule your next dental cleaning with our Los Angeles dentist.