Effect of Thumb Sucking on Children’s Dental Health
Thumb sucking is an extremely common habit among babies and toddlers. Many begin non-nutritive sucking as a comfort mechanism, and some of them do so before they are even born. Although most babies and toddlers eventually give up the thumb-sucking habit, a few continue into their preschool years and beyond.
Children who suck their thumbs frequently or over a long period of time can ultimately affect the bite or growth of their jawbones. Malocclusions or misaligned teeth may correct themselves once children stop thumb-sucking. However, if the behavior persists, the upper palate may become malformed, or the teeth may be pushed outward. Children may also develop speech impediments due to prolonged thumb-sucking. When severe dental problems arise due to thumb-sucking, orthodontic treatments will be necessary to correct the problems.
Our Los Angeles dentist can help you determine if your childís thumb-sucking habit may be interfering with his or her oral development. If he or she persists in thumb sucking past three to four years of age, we may suggest education, supportive measures and gentle interventions to help him or her kick the habit. Solutions can involve placing limits on where and when thumb-sucking may occur, instituting a reward system, using gloves or nail polish as a reminder to not suck, or using a mouth appliance at night. Punishments should be avoided , and the child should be encouraged to take an active role in stopping the behavior.
Contact our pediatric dentistry clinic today to learn more or to schedule an appointment for your child.