New Options in Periodontal Treatments
When plaque is not cleaned regularly and thoroughly from the surface of the teeth, the bacteria that live in this sticky, colorless film can irritate the gums and lead to periodontal disease. Periodontal, or gum, disease can eventually break down the connective tissues and bones of the mouth if it is not promptly diagnosed and treated. Dr. Bijan Afar DDS, Los Angeles periodontist, offers periodontal treatments to help treat and control periodontal disease so that gum health can be restored and the risk of tooth loss minimized.
Traditionally, periodontal treatments have included deep cleaning procedures, antimicrobial applications and surgery. Today, researchers are exploring other options, which include pharmacologic agents. These may be able to slow or even reverse the inflammatory responses associated with periodontal disease. Bisphosphonates, for example, have been used to prevent or treat osteoporosis in post-menopausal women, but they may also be able to stimulate bone growth in those who have suffered from advanced periodontal disease. These drugs may be most beneficial when used in conjunction with scaling and root planing, which removes tartar buildup from below the gumline and creates a smooth root surface.
Many periodontal treatments are available to help restore gum health. If you have symptoms of gum disease, such as bleeding or swollen gums, persistent bad breath, a receding gumline or loose teeth, then your dental health may be at risk. A comprehensive evaluation can help identify the source of the problem. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Los Angeles.